Holiday Audio Test Equipment |
Holiday Test Setup:
Hameg HM 412-5
BPI Audio Analyzer
Statron 303D
Siemens U 2133
Ultron SRG 22
Living Audionic
PC Spectrum Analyzer
BPI Model 7000A Audio
Very versatile unit that
incorporates a low distortion sine wave generator, a distortion meter and a
wow and flutter meter. And I have built in a dummy load.
Click here! |
Siemens U 2133
Audio Frequency Psophometer
Famous unit to check hum and
noise on audio units with CCITT and other filters.
Statron 303D
High Voltage Power supply
The Statrons are a must for
me. This is the precursor to the 303D/1 without filament supplies and still
havin' tube rectification.
Great unit. |
Living Audionic
(Peak) Power Level Meter
As the BPI only displays one
channel I use this unit to keep one eye on both. |
Ultron SRG 22
Sine Wave Generator
Tube unit from the sixties
which still works very nice. I need this for frequency response tests as the
BPI only offers 5 fixed frequencies. |
Hameg HM 412-5
Dual Trace Oscilloscope
Early 1980s unit. Good for
audio tests: not fast (20Mhz), but very sensitive and well focussed. |